Posts tagged ‘social media’

Regarding Updates

Hi, everyone! I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that despite the lack of new posts here on my blog in recent months, I do continue to write new poetry. I’ve also remained active on the official “Kevin Frederick Smith – Poet” Facebook page, and while it is my intention to continue using this blog to display my poems and possibly to publish occasional longer updates, the aforementioned Facebook page is the best source for regular updates on my poetry-related activities. The “About” and “Current Publications” blog pages will be kept up-to-date.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Tempers of Abuse (+ Coffee Phix Open Mic #2 and beyond!)

This is my third consecutive weekly post to this blog! Go me!

Today, I’d like to share the second Blitz Poem I’ve completed. It’s entitled “Tempers of Abuse” and it was inspired, at least in part, by the issue of bullying. A particularly common but too-often-overlooked form of abuse, I find even the concept of such cruelty to be nauseating, and I wholeheartedly believe the behavior to be unacceptable from any species that dares to call itself “intelligent” in any sense.

As I mentioned in “Dear Old School,” I was bullied many times over the course of my childhood. For this reason and others, it is a concern which I’ve come to hold close to my heart. If you share my anti-bullying passion, please speak out, as I do via social media outlets (such as my Twitter feed) and poetry, in an effort to improve awareness of the issue. Thank you, and enjoy my new poem:

Tempers of Abuse

The Blitz poetry format lends itself well to serious subjects, doesn’t it?

In other news, a friend and I will be attending the second open mic event at the reincarnated Coffee Phix Café tomorrow night (6-17-2015). We’ll both be debuting new material as part of our performances, so you don’t want to miss this show! Also, the venue is locally owned & run, and I can personally testify that interesting customers come by often (especially on open mic nights–hint, hint!), so please be kind and support the shop by purchasing a drink and/or snack to enjoy along with the entertainment. Thanks! See you there!

P.S.: Coffee Phix plans to hold these events on the first & third Thursday evenings of each month!