Posts tagged ‘Friend’

“Thinking Of You”

The following is an older poem of mine, written some time during the latter half of my high school tenure about a friend* who was in the hospital at the time. It is among the first that I ever performed in front of an audience, and while perhaps not my best work in a literary sense, it remains sentimentally valuable to me:

*[To respect my friend’s privacy, I’ve changed her name in this copy of the poem]

Thinking Of You

Check back here next week for my new Christmas-related comedy poem!

Look What I Just Found!

(If you don’t know the significance of this card, read this previous post:

Her name was Kristin…

I’ve Lost My Friend (For Jennifer Hrobuchak, In Memoriam)

I found out today that one of my recently-graduated college classmates, Jennifer Hrobuchak, was very recently killed in a car accident. While I did not know her as well as many of our other classmate did, reality of her death is hitting me harder the more I sit here thinking about it. As you know if you’ve read my blog before, I can best express myself through the writing of poetry. Therefore, I am dedicating this post to her memory. The poem below is actually quite old, having first been written in middle school and then rewritten in high school, yet I feel that tonight, it is taking on a whole new meaning for me. Please enjoy the poem, and RIP Jennifer Hrobuchak.

I've Lost My Friend

Always Remember Me

Another sad, true story:

Always Remember Me