Posts tagged ‘love’

“Thinking Of You”

The following is an older poem of mine, written some time during the latter half of my high school tenure about a friend* who was in the hospital at the time. It is among the first that I ever performed in front of an audience, and while perhaps not my best work in a literary sense, it remains sentimentally valuable to me:

*[To respect my friend’s privacy, I’ve changed her name in this copy of the poem]

Thinking Of You

Check back here next week for my new Christmas-related comedy poem!

In The Early Morning Moonlight

Hello, everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the Spring holidays (especially April Fools Day 😛 )!

Here’s the other song I promised to post. It is a true story inspired by a real woman who I was interested in at the time. Enjoy!

In The Early Morning Moonlight

The Perfect Word

Hi there, readers! Tonight, I want to share a poem written for a fellow poet who I’ve been getting to know lately. She doesn’t know it is for her, but if she figures it out, that’s fine with me. Otherwise, I will tell her when the time is right. At any rate, here is the poem. Enjoy!

The Perfect Word


Happy birthday to my fellow poet, Rose H.!


Poetic Prophetess

This is a poem which I wrote and performed for fellow poet Eva Xanthopoulos. She hasn’t said yet exactly what she thought of it, but I’m thinking it might be cool if she responds in the form of a poem (hint, hint). 🙂 Of course, a private message would be fine, too, but I think a poem would be much more interesting.

Oh, and everyone be sure to check out Eva’s poetry on her blog: Eva’s Blog.

Poetic Prophetess

Your Eyes

I wrote this a while back for a friend of mine who I care about very much, and who I worry about on a daily basis. She doesn’t know it’s for her, but I hope that she will find it here and that it will help her to be happy for at least a moment.

Your Eyes

Utopia Personified

Another “Obscure Love Poem” for your enjoyment:

Utopia Personified

Her Hair

This is an “obscure love poem” about a certain girl’s beautiful long hair.

Her Hair

Of The Sycamore Fit To Be Loved

This is another love poem, but instead of using my “obscure” format, I decided to go with an extended metaphor.

Of The Sycamore Fit To Be Loved

In Every New Angle

Here, for the umpteenth time, is an obscure love poem.

In Every New Angle